Every Parents Hold their Breath Until They Know that their Child is Healthy - Provide First Line Health Protection to Your Newborn

Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) are rare genetic disorders that a minority of babies are born with. It is common for some children not to display any symptoms at birth or even for a few years after, possibly misleading parents and doctors. However, once the symptoms arise, the damage done to the child’s physical and mental development is largely irreversible. Most IEMs can be controlled through diet and drug therapy, allowing the child to live a normal life if detected early.
IEM’s are rare genetic disorders caused by a lack of certain enzyme(s), receptor(s) or carrier(s) that are required for normal metabolism of the body. In turn, the body is unable to properly convert food into energy. Most of them are single-gene, autosomal recessive disorders. To date, more than 1000 such disorders have been identified, with an incidence rate of 1 in 500.

Following an autosomal recessive inheritance pattern, carrier parents have a 25% chance of bearing an affected child and 75% chance of having an unaffected child - of which 50% could be carriers but have no condition.
For Customers and Stakeholders
We are in the era of health intelligence. Govita provides high standard genetic and metabolic testing services for wellness, disease prediction and prevention. We consider the element of personalized health care, using scientific and evidence base approach in providing health solution. You may browse through our leaflet online or download it as reference.
Discover How We Can Help You
To understand what tests we offer to meet the needs of you and your patients, we are happy to set up meetings at time and place convenient for you. For collaborating doctors, we offer detailed training on your tests of interest, as well as free pick-up services for sample collection from your clinic to our laboratory. Please enquire for more details.