Our Unique Product with Genetic, Metabolic Test and Intervention through Data Association
GMDAI™ is an abbreviation for Genetic and Metabolic Data Associated Intervention. In this approach, we use our proprietary algorithm to evaluate and combine DNA and metabolic test results and to automatically generate a personalized formula of supplements with their optimal doses.

Feeling down for over a week? Don’t feel like doing anything? Cannot focus at work? Poor appetite but gaining weight, intolerance to cold, muscle cramp, or swelling of face and eyes bothering your daily life?
These are signs of depression, which might be related to imbalanced neurotransmitters, overlooked thyroid issues, abnormal level of cortisol or malfunction of methylation cycle. Get to know what the root cause of your mental issue is, and the medically supervised treatment plan is tailored to meet the needs of you seeking to improve health and overall quality of life.
Thyroid controls various activities in your body. The common symptoms of thyroid function disorder are unexplainable mood swings, unexplainable weight gain or weight loss, fatigue, Insomnia, bowel movement disorder.
GMDAI™ Thyroid can help you earlier find out whether you should pay more attention to take care of thyroid health, as well as disclose the root cause of hypothyroidism symptom from analyzing your genetic makeup and hormone levels, which guides and provides precise treatment approach. Thyroid health often unlocks unexplainable issues in metabolic system.

Do you have a family history of cardiovascular diseases? Do you want to better understand your cardiovascular health and prevent any future heart diseases? Keep your heart fully functional is the first step to guarantee longevity.
To optimize fat metabolism, relieve plaque formation, enhance cardiomyocyte function, each medically supervised treatment plan is tailored to meet the needs of you seeking to improve health and overall quality of life.
Although we enjoy the benefit of modern life, the downside is being exposed to toxins from environment and processed food. Accumulated free radicals produced by toxins are harmful to your body overtime, which accelerates aging. Know your genetic makeup and increase your antioxidant level to better safeguard your general health and say bye to poor immunity.

Do you feel sluggish or annoyed? Do you have mood swings? Experienced unexplained weight gain and fatigue? Suffered from bone density problems?
These maybe related to unbalanced hormone issue, which can cause tiredness, depression or even confusion. This sometimes even affects your relationships with family, friends and loved ones.
Incorporating bioidentical hormone replacement therapy with integrative medicine techniques, each medically supervised treatment plan is tailored to meet the needs of you seeking to improve health and overall quality of life.
We always observe that “normal” aging defining as muscle loss and fat gain, which makes you look weaker and lose attractive body shape.
Along with aging, keeping the ideal body composition you can still look better, fit into clothing, move more easily, feel more energetic and improve health.
A tailor-made health plan to increase muscle mass and speed up the fat burning process will be provided to improve your health and overall quality of life.

The disruption of the homeostatic state of cartilage matrix degradation and regeneration causes joint problem, and chronic inflammation worsens the situation. From methylation cycle as well as the osteoarthritis risk aspect, innovative prevention and treatment can help reducing pain at the same time stimulate regeneration process, ultimately slowing down the break down of osteoarthritis joint. Unlike the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) which could only reduce pain and lead to a variety of side-effects.
Strengthen your immunity and manage chronic inflammation, say bye to your pain and experience super happy joints!
Low energy level, unsatisfied skin condition, heart problem by overlooked potential risk, are common disorder in the population. Nutrients have a big part to play in these common disorders.
From your genetic profile you can understand how your genes could affect your nutritional needs and diet. From the metabolite profile you can understand how well the nutrients are working in your body now.
Precision nutrition not only provides you what foods to eat but which to avoid and may also play an important role to discover lifestyle changes for your optimal good health.

Discover How We Can Help You
To understand health solution we can offer specifically for you, we are happy to arrange a private consultation. You are also welcome to write to us about your experience with Govita’s services.