Our Unique Product with Genetic, Metabolic Test and Intervention through Data Association
GMDAI™ is an abbreviation for Genetic and Metabolic Data Associated Intervention. In this approach, we use our proprietary algorithm to evaluate and combine DNA and metabolic test results and to automatically generate a personalized formula of supplements with their optimal doses.

Neurotransmission is known as the communication between neurons, by which the signalling molecules, neurotransmitters, are released from the presynaptic neurons into the synaptic cleft and bind to the receptors on the postsynaptic neurons. Neurotransmitters affect a wide variety of both physical and psychological functions including heart rate, sleep, appetite, mood, and fear. A homeostatic balance of neurotransmitters maintains our brain functioning, from normal physiological processes such as breathing to complex cognitive processes such as learning.
Methylation cycle is an important biochemical process. It controls various bodily functions including detoxification, immune response, maintaining DNA integrity, energy production, emotion, inflammation etc. With a small amount of blood sample, we test and assess the genes encoding enzymes and metabolite levels in the methylation cycle which relate to cartilage matrix degradation, chronic inflammation, atherosclerosis risk, mood health and other conditions. We then use this data to formulate a personalized treatment.

Carnitine is a key compound in the intermediary metabolism that is synthesized in most tissues. Carnitine plays a critical role in energy production. It transports long-chain fatty acids into the mitochondria so they can be oxidized to produce energy. Patients with PCOS are characterized with lower level of fasting total and free carnitine. From fatty acid oxidation pathway assay, GMDAI™ SmartFit reviews the fatty acid oxidation efficiency and provides a complementary solution to manage obese and improve PCOS symptom.
Stress response system is efficiently controlled by the pituitary gland which regulates the adrenal gland function for appropriate “fight-or-flight” response. But over-worked gland will make this response alarm system never stop, which in turn bring negative impacts to the whole metabolism system. GMDAI™ Adrenal Stress allows to understand the anti-stress ability via testing response-related genes, and the current and accumulated physiological stress status via testing the daily circadian secretions of bioactive stress hormones-cortisol and DEHA.

Identify inherited genetic variants involved in the major detoxification processes necessary for removing toxic substances, especially glutathione synthesis pathway. Reduced glutathione and the ratio of reduced glutathione and oxidized glutathione in whole blood indicate current antioxidation ability in cellular level.
Genetic variants involved in atherosclerosis risk, prolonged QT interval risk, arterial remodeling risk and cardiac stress risk are identified. Pharmacogenetics on advising antiplatelet medicine doses are also provided. Diet on how to improve lipid parameters is also suggested according to personal genetic makeup. Lipid profile and troponin T are tested to evaluate current cardio health. GMDAI™ Cardio Risk provides insight to client of the cardio risk and to customize specific plan for cardiologist to follow up.

GMDAI™ Nutrition gives the personalized vitamin and nutrition plan by assessing the genetic makeup of encoding enzymes and the current nutrient levels in the blood, which can be used to customized personal vitamin and nutrient needs.
Thyroid gland produces tyrosine-based hormone, responsible for regulation of metabolism. GMDAI™ Thyroid can provide a holistic approach to guide hypothyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism from gland, cellular and genetic aspect. TSH, free T3, and free T4 indicates whether the thyroid gland is functioning optimally, overactive or underactive. Homeostatic status of RT3, total T3 and total T4 indicates the efficiency of hormone working in the cellular level. TPO antibody and thyroglobulin antibody test help detect possible thyroid problems caused by the immune system.

Discover How We Can Help You
To understand what tests we offer to meet the needs of you and your patients, we are happy to set up meetings at time and place convenient for you. For collaborating doctors, we offer detailed training on your tests of interest, as well as free pick-up services for sample collection from your clinic to our laboratory. Please enquire for more details.